Account Screen

This screen displays the Windows account and authenticator assignments. The account information will be automatically sent from the PC where the registration was done with the registration code.


  1. Account Type
    Switches the type of Windows account to be displayed.
    Click to display Windows local accounts in the list.
    Click to display the Windows domain account (ActiveDirectory / AzureAD) in the list.

List of accounts (local)

Displays information on the list of registered local accounts.

  1. PC name
    Displays the PC name.
  2. Account ID
    Displays the account ID of the Windows account.
  3. Display name
    Displays the display name of your Windows account.
  4. Emergency logon
    The icon displays the emergency logon status of the target account.
    Emergency logon settings can be configured by clicking the icon.
  5. Authenticator
    The status of the authenticator registration is displayed by the icon.
    You can register, edit, or delete authenticators by clicking the icon.
  6. Registered
    Displays the date when the target account was registered.
  7. Delete icon
    This icon is for deleting the target account.
  8. Deleted account list
    This icon displays a list of deleted accounts.


List of accounts (domains)

Lists the domain accounts that have been registered.

  1. Domain name.
    Displays the domain name.
    If you are using ActiveDirectory, it will display the ActiveDirectory domain name, and if you are using AzureAD, it will display the fixed “AzureAD”.

  2. Account ID
    Displays the account ID of the Windows account.

  3. Display name
    Displays the display name of your Windows account.

  4. Emergency logon
    The icon displays the emergency logon status of the target account.
    Emergency logon settings can be configured by clicking the icon.

  5. Authenticator
    The status of the authenticator registration is displayed by the icon.
    You can register, edit, or delete authenticators by clicking the icon.

  6. Registered
    Displays the date when the target account was registered.

  7. Delete icon
    This icon is for deleting the target account.

  8. Deleted account list
    This icon displays a list of deleted accounts.

  9. Domain account batch registration icon
    Displays a modal for batch registration of domain accounts.

Emergency Logon Settings

This is the settings modal screen that appears when you click on the emergency logon icon.
You can enable or disable emergency logon.
Emergency Logon Settings

  1. Limit
    Set the expiration date and time for the emergency logon.

  2. Disable Button
    Toggles emergency logon off.

  3. Enable Button
    Toggles emergency logon on and off. If you set the “Limit”, you will be able to click on it.

  4. Cancel Button
    Return without setting an emergency logon.

Authenticator Settings

This is the settings modal screen that appears when you click on the authenticator icon. Configure the authenticator registration, editing, and deletion settings for the selected account. Authenticator settings

  1. Account ID
    Displays the account ID of the currently selected account.

  2. Add icon
    This icon is used to register a new authenticator.

  3. Type
    Displays the type of authenticator (security key/smartphone) as an icon.

  4. Name
    Displays the registered names of the authenticators that have been assigned and registered.

  5. Last authentication date
    Displays the date and time when the registered authenticator was last used for authentication.

  6. Registered
    Displays the date when the authenticator was registered.

  7. Edit icon
    This icon is used to edit the registered name of a registered authenticator.

  8. Delete icon
    This icon is used to cancel a registered authenticator.

  9. Cancel Button
    This is the button to return without setting the authenticator.

Deleted Account List(Local)

This is the list modal that appears when you click the Deleted Account List icon with “Local” selected for account type. Deleted local accounts are listed. Deleted Account List

  1. PC name
    Displays the PC name.

  2. Account ID
    Displays the account ID of the Windows account.

  3. Display name
    Displays the display name of your Windows account.

  4. Registered
    Displays the date when the target account was registered.

  5. Restoration icon
    This icon restores a deleted account.

  6. Cancel Button
    A button to close the modal.

Deleted Account List(Domain)

This is the list modal that appears when you click the Deleted Account List icon with “Domain” selected for the account type.
Deleted domain accounts are listed. Deleted Account List

  1. Domain name.
    Displays the domain name.

  2. Account ID
    Displays the account ID of the Windows account.

  3. Display name
    Displays the display name of your Windows account.

  4. Registered
    Displays the date when the target account was registered.

  5. Restoration icon
    This icon restores a deleted account.

  6. Cancel Button
    A button to close the modal.

Domain Accounts Batch Registration

This can only be performed when the account type is “Domain” (icon will appear).
You will need to obtain a CSV for account registration on your domain server.

How to obtain CSV

  1. Start a command prompt on the domain server.

  2. Enter and execute the following command.
    csvde -u -f userlist.csv -r objectCategory=user

  3. The CSV file is output to the directory where it was executed.

Domain account batch registration modal

  1. Choose File
    When the file selection dialog appears, select the CSV file.
    Selection is also possible by dragging and dropping files into the blue area.

    By selecting a file, the contents of the CSV are parsed and the account information to be registered is listed.

  2. Domain name
    Displays the domain name.
    If you are using ActiveDirectory, it will display the ActiveDirectory domain name, and if you are using AzureAD, it will display the fixed “AzureAD”.

  3. Account ID
    Displays the account ID of the Windows account.

  4. Display name
    Displays the display name of the Windows account.

  5. Account alias
    Displays the alias of the Windows account.

  6. SID
    Displays a security identifier to identify the account.

  7. How to obtain CSV Icon
    A tooltip shows how to obtain the CSV.
    The content is the same as “How to obtain CSV” above.

  8. Update button
    Batch registration of account information displayed in the list as domain accounts.

  9. Cancel button
    A button to close the modal.