Enterprise Authenticator Management Screen

This screen is displayed only when the Enterprise authenticator management functions is enabled in the customer settings.

This is the screen for managing enterprise authenticators.
The authenticator data listed here cannot be added manually by customers. It is automatically added by the system after applying for and purchasing the enterprise authenticator service.

Enterprise Authenticator Management

Authenticator List

Displays the information of registered enterprise authenticators.

  1. Vendor
    Displays the vendor of the authenticator.

  2. Authenticator ID
    Displays the unique identifier of the authenticator.

  3. Authenticator name
    Displays the name assigned to the authenticator.

  4. User info
    Displays information associated with the authenticator. This field is initially blank and only shown on this list.
    Customers can freely add, edit, or delete this information as a memo (e.g., owner details).

  5. Account
    Displays the Windows account assigned or registered to the authenticator.
    Click the icon to view details and configure account assignments.

  6. Admin
    Displays the administrator registered or assigned for the authenticator on the management website.
    Click the icon to view details and configure administrator assignments.

  7. State
    Displays the status of the authenticator.

    • Active: The authenticator is available for use.
    • Disposed: The authenticator is no longer available.
  8. Edit User Information Icon
    Allows you to edit the information associated with the authenticator.

  9. Account List Icon
    Displays a list of accounts assigned or registered to the authenticator.

  10. Administrator List Icon
    Displays a list of administrators assigned or registered to the authenticator.

  11. Dispose Authenticator Icon
    Dispose the authenticator.

Updating User Information

This modal appears when you click the Edit User Information Icon. It allows you to edit the information associated with the authenticator.
Update User Information

  1. User Information
    Enter owner information.

  2. Update Button
    Updates the information with the entered content.

  3. Cancel Button
    Returns without updating the information.

Accounts with Enterprise Authenticator registered

This modal appears when you click the Account List Icon. It displays the assignment and registration status of accounts for the selected authenticator. You can add or remove account assignments.
Accounts with Enterprise Authenticator registered

  1. Add Icon
    Opens a modal to assign an authenticator to an account.

  2. Account type
    Displays the type of account.

    • Local: Local account
    • Domain: Domain account
  3. PC name / Domain name
    Displays the PC name for local accounts or the domain name for domain accounts.

  4. Account ID
    Displays the account ID.

  5. Account display name
    Displays the account’s display name.

  6. Credential name
    Displays the name of the authenticator.

  7. Status
    Displays the status.

    • Assigned Only: The authenticator is assigned on the management website but not yet registered.
    • Registered: The authenticator has been registered successfully.
  8. Delete Icon
    Removes the account assignment. If the account has registered the authenticator, it also removes the registration.

  9. Cancel Button
    Closes the modal.

Administrators with Enterprise Authenticator registerd

This modal appears when you click the Administrator List Icon. It displays the assignment and registration status of administrators for the selected authenticator. You can add or remove administrator assignments.
Administrators with Enterprise Authenticator registerd

  1. Add Icon
    Opens a modal to assign an authenticator to an administrator.

  2. Admin name
    Displays the name of the administrator.

  3. Admin Email Address
    Displays the email address of the administrator.

  4. Credential name
    Displays the name of the authenticator.

  5. Status
    Displays the status.

    • Assigned Only: The authenticator is assigned on the management website but not yet registered.
    • Registered: The authenticator has been registered successfully.
  6. Delete Icon
    Removes the administrator assignment. If the administrator has registered the authenticator, it also removes the registration.

  7. Cancel Button
    Closes the modal.